@thesis{thesis, author={Made Pandu Wirawan I}, title ={ANALISIS PLANNING DAN EVALUASI PELAKSANAAN PROGRAM PERAWATAN C01 CHECK, ADDITIONAL TASK PESAWAT ATR 72- 600 PK-GAK DI PT GMF AEROASIA TBK.}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2389/}, abstract={Planning is something that needs to be prepared in the aircraft maintenance process, planning works so that every activity in the aircraft maintenance program can be done effectively and efficiently. One of the plans that needs to be done in the aircraft maintenance process is the determination of turn around time (TAT). The accuracy in the determination of the TAT greatly influences the customer's trust in the company, so planning and evaluation analysis is needed regarding the implementation of the ATR 72-600 PK-GAK aircraft maintenance program at PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk. In the process of determining turn around time (TAT), unit production planning and control (PPC) multiplies manhours basic manufacture with a value of 3, then taking into account the available manhours and productivity of manpower. After TAT was determined, then an evaluation of the implementation of the ATR 72-600 PK-GAK aircraft maintenance program at PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk. the cause of the delay in TAT that occurs is by the fishbone method. After finding the cause of the delay then find a solution to the cause of the delay by using the 5W1H method, and also assuming the value 3 to 3.25 as a manhours basic manufacture multiplier with the aim of adding TAT planning value. Planning TAT which is determined by the unit of production planning and control (PPC) which is 13 days, is actually on the field for 14 days. The occurrence of delays in the field due to 4 things, as for the solution of the causes of delays that occur are improvements from the support of spare parts and material, improving coordination between units in the implementation of the maintenance process, speeding up the process of completion of inspection so as not to occur late finding. Then the proposed TAT solution obtained after calculating the value 3 to 3.25 as a multiplier for manhours basic manufacture obtained a TAT value of 14 days, in accordance with the actual work in the field.} }