@thesis{thesis, author={PRATAMA ADHAM}, title ={PENGARUH JENIS MATERIAL PROPELLER PADA VIBRASI YANG DITIMBULKAN PADA UAV-SPRAYER BERBASIS QUADCOPTER}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2406/}, abstract={The uav or more we knew as a plane without crew is very experienced the development of which is very fast in the era of nowadays. One of a breed of the uav is quadcoter, the uav quadcopter category micro and much used by some institutions or instasi. One features readily in recognize that is having the four vanes or called propeller. Propeller own can move because in move by a motor uav own. A kind of propeller uav own various, is which start at 2 blade, 3 blade to 4 blade. While to a kind of material propeller used also various as material propeller kind of material plastic and carbon fiber. With variety kind of material propeller of course the rate of vibrations or influence of material that various is also different. In this research analyze the influence of different types of material that is material plastic and carbon fiber. Discussion of this final project starts from the creation of test bench as a tool in testing vibration (vibration), thrust and rotation motor with different materials. For testing vibration using vibration meter, for testing thrust using digital scales and for testing the motor rotation using tachometer. Then do the test results that are applied to parameters required wants on different materials. From the results of testing experiments with throtle 80, 90, 100% carbon fiber materal vibration shows greater than plastic materials namely 62.1 on throtle 80%, 90% 63.5 on throtle, to 68.5 in thortle 100%. Then the plastic material to 13.5 on thortle 80%, 90% thortle on 13.9 to 15.9 on throtle 100%. The influence of thrust posed also not too much difference and rotation of the motor.} }