@thesis{thesis, author={SAVAINDRIA DEBY}, title ={ANALISIS DAN PENGUJIAN LAUNCHER MENGGUNAKAN PESAWAT UAV SKYWALKER X8 PADA SAAT TAKE OFF DAN KONSEP PERAWATAN LAUNCHER}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2416/}, abstract={Launcher is a device used to launch unmanned aircraft (UAV). The launch has a purpose to support unmanned aircraft (UAV) take-off in difficult places. By choosing the launcher that is used in testing unmanned aircraft (UAV) with take- off conditions, maintenance of the launcher is needed. Maintenance launcher is done to maintain and restore the performance of the launcher even though it cannot return to new conditions. In carrying out the launcher testing, there are several things that must be done, including calculating the speed and acceleration of the UAV during testing, and making the Skywalker x8 UAV launcher maintenance concept. In the testing process the launcher is calculated using the Excel software to simplify calculations. Determination of parameters obtained at the time of testing, by means of the length of the first rubber, then the rubber was given a varied force, so that the length of the rubber can be obtained. Where when the rubber was given a force of 20.59N with a length increase of 0.19m. The calculation results can be seen that the time needed to reach the end of the launcher path tF= 0.19 s, the launch speed to reach the end of the launcher is v tF= 6.66950426 m/s and the acceleration is a tF= 28.38121804 m/s2. The concept of maintenance is carried out including scheduled maintenance and unscheduled maintenance. Where for the maintenance schedule is divided into two, namely preflight inspection and after flight inspection. While the maintenance unscheduling that needs to be done is to replace the launcher connection if found loose and replace the rubber if the elasticity limit is near the limit of the calculation} }