@thesis{thesis, author={IMAM MUHAMMAD}, title ={PENERAPAN ALGORITMA LIPAT PADA ANDROID GUNA MENGAMANKAN KOMUNIKASI DATA DI MEDIA SOSIAL}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2455/}, abstract={Cryptography is one of science that learn about securing a message. Message security is done by randomizing the message (encryption) and returned to it?s original form (description). In this study, the designer of the system first and build an application to secure the message by using the Fold Algorithm method that aims to secure messages consisting of letters, numbers, or symbols. Applications are designed and built running on Mobile Android. The Fold Algorithm Method applies a fourfold system in the encryption process and the description of the message to be encrypted and in the description will advance 4 (four) characters forward or backward. Based on testing done the application managed to perform the encryption process and description correctly, ranging from short messages to messages as much as 2305 characters.} }