@thesis{thesis, author={PAMUNGKAS PANJI}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI DAN AGENDA KEGIATAN DESA BERBASIS TELEGRAM (STUDI KASUS : KELURAHAN NOMPOREJO)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2510/}, abstract={Information distribution using Telegram is needed in the distribution of data and information, one of which is the distribution of information in Nomporejo Village. In Nomporejo Village there is no electronic information system from the Kelurahan to the community, this has caused the community difficulties in obtaining village information. Based on these problems an Information System and Village Agenda was created to disseminate information through Telegram media and make it easier for the public to obtain information through electronic media. The results of testing using the White Box by executing all loops in the program line path to 5 paths for 3 days found a success rate of 100%. The results of testing with a Likert Scale with 2 questionnaires obtained success rates of 73.69% and 74.16%, respectively} }