@thesis{thesis, author={PRAYOGO BAYU}, title ={ANALISIS BEBAN PENDINGINAN AIR CONDITIONING UNTUK PESAWAT DENGAN KAPASITAS 180 PENUMPANG}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2521/}, abstract={The increasing altitude of the aircraft affects the pressure and temperature around the aircraft lower, so that a refrigeration system that is eligible for condition at sea level and maximum cruising height is required. Some cases cause of the increase of temperature in the cabin. Therefore, analysis and the calculation on the cooling load is required so the load of the cooling machine for the aircraft with capacity of 180 passengers from inside the cabin in 2 different conditions; Ground Idle and Maximum Cruise is indentified. The objective of this research was to identify the air conditioning system used in aircraft and calculate the cooling load for the aircraft with capacity of 180 passengers in two conditions; Ground Idle and Maximum Cruise. The cooling load calculation method used CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference) based on book and table Air Conditioning Principles and System. The calculation was for the room heat gains (heat from lights, man, the equipment, floor, wall, roof) and grand total heat. The total calculations were compared to the existing planes and then were analyzed. The total theoretical calculation result obtained that the cooling load was 137.764,534 (Btu/hr) for the Ground Idle condition and 116.096,626 (Btu/hr) for the Maximum Cruise condition.} }