@thesis{thesis, author={MAU BERE ANDREAS}, title ={STUDI PENGARUH UMUR PAKAI TERHADAP SIFAT MEKANIS GRATE PLATE PADA MESIN CLINKER COOLER DI PT INDOCEMENT TUNGGAL PRAKARSA TBK. PALIMANAN - CIREBON}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2534/}, abstract={Grate cooler is the main object that serves as a clinker carrier at cooler machine in the production process cement PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk. The objective of this case study was to determine the lifetime of mechanical properties as hardness and impack to the microstructure at the cooler mechine. The material used in this research was high alloy steel type Fe-Cr of grate plate. The result of the research showed that the composition test had a dominant value Fe for 52,3%, Cr for 23,7% then it was classified into Fe-Cr Steel. The results of the impack test with variation of two different lifetime were the two weeks was 0,141 J/ and the sixteen weeks was 0,139 J/ . The results of Vickers hardness testing of 2 weeks had an average value of 232,57 VHN and 16 weeks was 253,51 VHN. The hardness value experiened improvement after treatment of quenching cooling and garburizing. The microstructure test showed that the two weeks had a roughly elongated microstructure with bright white color (gran growth) perlit and martensit in the form of shaped grains columnar or oval elongated, while the sixteen weeks had a microstructure with fine grains.} }