@thesis{thesis, author={MUSTOFA ARI}, title ={PENGARUH VARIASI SALINITAS ELEKTROLIT TERHADAP DAYA YANG DIHASILKAN PADA BATERAI AIR LAUT DENGAN ELEKTRODA TEMBAGA DAN MAGNESIUM}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2536/}, abstract={Sea water is natural resource that can be used as the source of new energy which represents the mixture of 96,5% pure water and 3,5% other materials like salts, dissolved gas, organic materials and disolved particles. Basically, sea water contains high NaCl and elaborated by H2O into Na+ and Cl-. With the existence of that free particle, electric current appears. The electric current from both loads can be used as the source of alternative energy to generate friendly and cheap electric energy using volta cell method. At the volta cell method, there are electrolyte condensation, cathode and anode. The existences of these cathode and anode cause the reaction of oxidation and discount and also as conductor to generate electric energy from reaction of chemistry that happen between water and salt. This research used copper electrode (Cu) and magnesium (Mg) and sea water electrolyte to identify the effect of electrolyte salinity variation to the power generated by sea water battery so that applicable continuously in daily life. The sea water batteries made of copper (Cu) electrode and magnesium (Mg) were 30 cells. They were set into seri-parallel using sea water electrolyte without evaporation treatment and evaporation variations for 300 gram, 600 gram, and 900 gram. From the result of battery testing, the variation of salinity effected electricity power, voltage, and electric current. At the testing using water without treatment of evaporation (A 0) generated 10 V voltage, 5 mA electric current, and 50 mW electric power. Then, there were increase of voltage, electric current, and electric power using sea water and 900 gram (D 900) evaporation generated 13 V voltage; 6,5 mA electric current; and 84,5 mW electric power. The highest output power generated by sea water with 900 gram (D 900) evaporation was 84,5 mW} }