@thesis{thesis, author={NURLIYADI RIKY}, title ={SIMULASI INSTRUMENT ROLLING, PITCHING, YAWING (RPY) PADA ATTITUDE INDICATOR MENGGUNAKAN ARCADE FLIGHT JOYSTICK}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2569/}, abstract={Electrical Engineering lectures always wrestle with the science of certainly and many theories studied. To facilitate the understanding of theoretical subjects, a practicum relating to the theories being studied by the students can be made easier to understand the theoretical course. Adisutjipto Technology High School In laboratory avionic still no props to explain the attitude of the plane and display Attitude Indicator. To overcome this problem, in this final project designed a simulation of Attitude Indicator to be used by students to understand the theory in the course. The Rolling, Pitching, Yawing (RPY) simulation tool on the Attitude Indicator is designed using Arcade Flight Joystick as Input data which is then processed by NodeMCU to be sent via wifi as a display on the web. NodeMCU data is sent also to arduino to drive servo motor. Movement on servo motor is used to move the prototype of the aircraft model as an aircraft attitude movement. The result of design shows that the simulation can work well. Rolling, Pitching, Yawing (RPY) simulation can have Rolling 450, Pitching 200 and Yawing 900 capabilities. At the time of delivery of Online and Offline data there is a difference of data generated by Rolling max 20, Pitching max 50, and Yawing max 50.} }