@thesis{thesis, author={ARIF WIBOWO MUHAMMAD}, title ={ANALISA PENYEBAB KEGAGALAN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM PADA PESAWAT KT-1B WOONG BEE MENGGUNAKAN METODE CAUSE AND EFFECT ANALYSIS (CEA)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2572/}, abstract={Air conditioning system is a component on an aircraft that is used to regulate the air temperature inside the aircraft cabin. Air conditioning system work to provide the air needed by the pilot as a cooling or heating in the cabin. air conditioning system on the KT-1B woong bee aircraft works by using hot air from the engine that is processed by the Environmental Control System. There are several factors that cause frequent damage to the Environmental Control System. This is the background for the author to analyze the causes of failure from the Environmental Control System. In this research of method used is the method of Cause And Effect Analysis, in the method there is a Fishbone that is useful to find the cause of the occurrence of a failure, and can find a solution of the failure that occurred. At the time of the study the authors concluded that frequent damage occurred through discussions to technicians who work as well as bookkeeping damage to the KT-1B Woong Bee aircraft located at Skatek 043 Adisutjipto ie, the discharge of heat from the process of Environmental Control System into the cabin and caused the pilot inconvenience in driving aircraft. After getting collection damage the author then make diagaram fishbone to find the cause of the cause of the failure. The results obtained are the lack of scheduled maintenance to the Environmental Control System, which causes less controlled performance of the components of the Environmental Control System.} }