@thesis{thesis, author={ILHAM HIDAYATULLAH M.}, title ={RANCANG BANGUN MODEL PENDETEKSI JARAK PADA PESAWAT SEBAGAI PERINGATAN POTENSI TABRAKAN DI APRON DALAM PENERBANGAN PERINTIS DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN SENSOR SR04T}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2581/}, abstract={The increase in pioneer flight volume will have an impact on the density of activities in the field of flight which is increasingly difficult to control because it only uses limited equipment (no ground marshall, yellow line etc.), Flight technology has provided solutions to this problem, among others by pairing it on the plane equipment known as TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System). Even some other sophisticated aircraft and other first-class airports have been equipped with equipment that allows aircraft to avoid potential collisions. But not all aircraft have these equipment and not all airports are equipped with sophisticated equipment for that. Like pioneering flight operators who operate aircraft with complete equipment only limited to their minimum operational needs. To avoid the occurrence of wing collisions (Wings tip), Ground Support Equipment and objects that are ground that occur due to the limited view of the pilot to the right and left wings. The study aims to create a system that can facilitate pilots to control the aircraft while in the ground that is by using the SR04T sensor to detect foreign objects that block the tip of the aircraft wing (wings tip). The method used in this design is to use an ultrasonic sensor to detect or measure the distance to the obstacle and use the ATMEGA 2560 microcontroller as the main controller of the system. From the analysis carried out, it was produced that the ultrasonic sensor was effective enough to be implemented in this design} }