@thesis{thesis, author={ANDRIAN HIDAYAT L.}, title ={PENGUKURAN TINGKAT PRODUKTIVITAS LINI PRODUKSI DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE OBJECTIVE MATRIX (OMAX) DI PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC KLATEN}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2613/}, abstract={PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC is one of the companies engaged in the manufacturing industry, namely garments, which produces various types of clothing such as shirts, pants and jackets. One important factor that needs to be considered is the problem of productivity. The current condition at PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC is that it often experiences product defects every time it carries out the production process, which results in the company's productivity percentage decreasing. Productivity assessment can be seen from the comparison of the company's input and output values, both in terms of materials, capital, labor and energy used. The productivity measurement method used is the Objective Matrix (OMAX) method. The steps for using the Objective Matrix (OMAX) method are: determining criteria, calculating ratios, measuring standard performance, determining final targets, calculating productivity criteria weights, calculating actual values, calculating actual scores, calculating performance values ??and finally calculating overall productivity. After knowing the level or productivity index of the company itself, the company's management will try to evaluate the conditions where there is a decline in productivity, so that it will be able to increase the company's productivity in the future. Based on research that has been conducted at PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC and calculations, it was found that the highest overall productivity value in November was 570.7, experiencing an increase in productivity with a percentage increase of 90.2%. While the lowest overall productivity value was in June at 101.5, experiencing a decrease in productivity by -66.2%. This is due to the less than optimal use of working hours, employee absences and maintenance of the machines used.} }