@thesis{thesis, author={HADIS WIJAYA M.}, title ={ANALISIS PENCAHAYAAN DAN KELUHAN KELELAHAN MATA PADA PT. TEXTILE REPUBLIC KLATEN}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2615/}, abstract={PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC is one of the companies engaged in the manufacturing industry, namely garments, which produces various types of clothing such as shirts, pants and jackets. One important factor that needs to be considered is the problem of eye fatigue caused by poor lighting. The current condition that is a problem is that people still often experience complaints of eye fatigue at PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC Klaten. In this study at PT TEXTILE REPUBLIC Klaten, the Data Processing Method was used with the Univariate and Bivariate analysis methods. This method compares the results of the respondent questionnaire and the results of light intensity measurements, so that the data obtained and processed can be trusted and accurate. For this reason, the data collection method with the Univariate and Bivariate analysis methods will be used for the study "Lighting Analysis & Eye Fatigue Complaints at PT. Tekstil Republik Klaten". After knowing the lighting level of the company itself is not good, the company's management will try to evaluate and fix it, so that it will be able to improve lighting that is better and reduce the risk of eye fatigue complaints in the future. Based on research that has been conducted in the production area of ??PT. Tekstil Republik Klaten, the results of the lighting level and eye fatigue complaints experienced by the workers studied were obtained. From this study, the following conclusions can be drawn: There are symptoms of eye fatigue complaints felt by workers with the most symptoms being 96.66% of workers feeling tense in the shoulders and neck, and 93.33% of workers experiencing eyes that always feel sleepy, with an average of 44 employees (73%) experiencing eye fatigue complaints. While the symptoms most often felt by workers in the quality control section are almost the same as complaints in all workers, namely eyes that always feel sleepy and tension in the neck and shoulders. Based on the Bivariate method analysis of the relationship between eye health symptoms, the number of workers who experience eye fatigue complaints is greater than workers who do not experience eye fatigue complaints, poor lighting conditions. However, in this study, it turned out that there was a significant relationship between the condition of the lighting source and complaints of eye fatigue (P = 0.02), which means that based on the results of the study, complaints of eye fatigue greatly affect the intensity of lighting settings in the production area.} }