@thesis{thesis, author={SUDARYADI SUDARYADI}, title ={ANALISIS STUDY KELAYAKAN PERENCANAAN CABANG BARU USAHA GUDEG KOCLOK MBAH REDJO (STUDI KASUS GUDEG KOCLOK MBAH REDJO JL.MAGELANG KM 4,5 SLEMAN YOGYAKARTA)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/2619/}, abstract={The feasibility analysis of the Gudeg Koclok Mbah Redjo business development plan aims to determine the feasibility of the business development plan and its investment capability in providing profits on the amount of capital invested. In relation to this, the author wants to know various aspects of the feasibility study on the Gudeg Koclok Mbah Redjo business development plan and whether or not the business is feasible to be implemented. The aspects studied are technical aspects, market and marketing aspects, financial aspects, human resource management aspects, AMDAL aspects, and legal aspects. From these five aspects, it can be shown that the Gudeg Koclok Mbah Redjo business development plan is acceptable and feasible to run. For the financial aspect, three investment feasibility analysis tool methods are used with the following calculation results: the payback period (PP) method, which is a method that measures how quickly an investment can be returned. Net present value (NPV) method, which is a method that calculates the difference in value with net cash receipts in the future. The Rate Of Return (ROR) method creates a level of income that results in the NPW (Net Present Worth) value of an investment being zero. From the calculation results using the PP method, the results are 4 months 24 days, faster than the economic life of the business for 5 years. NPV is positive, namely Rp. 257,917,147. ROR 31.04%. In the marketing aspect analysis using STP analysis, 7p, SWOT Analysis with the target being the general public and visitors to Ambarukmo Plaza Yogyakarta. For technical analysis, it is reviewed from the readiness of business planning as seen from the process of selecting the tools and technology used, procurement of raw materials and selection of location. In the analysis of Human Resource Management, it is reviewed from the process of implementing employee recruitment, then the compensation system until the termination of employment. In the legality aspect, it is reviewed from the licensing of a business that will be established.} }