@thesis{thesis, author={Ika Putri Hashifah}, title ={ANALISIS KEGAGALAN ENGINE PADA PESAWAT GROB G120 TP – A DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE FAULT TREE ANALYSIS}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.stta.ac.id/997/}, abstract={Based on research conducted by the author at Hangar V of Engineering Squadron 043 Adisutjipto air base, Yogyakarta, found failure data on turboprop-type engines with the Roll-Royce M250-B27F model of the Grob G120 TP-A aircraft. Therefore, a study was conducted to determine the causes which causes the failure of the engine and the value of the severity that occurs in an engine. Fault tree analysis is a method used to analyze a failure/damage event in an event. There are 2 methods of fault tree analysis, namely the qualitative method and the quantitative method. Qualitative method is a method used to find the cause of the failure of an incident. While the quantitative method is an approach method that uses Boolean Algebra to get the results of probability numbers. Analysis of engine roll failure ? Royce M250 ? B17F using the fault tree analysis method produces two results. The qualitative method resulted in 68 cases of Roll-Royce M250-B17F engine failure. While the quantitative method produces a probability value close to number 1. This means that the failure of the Roll-RoyceM250-B17F engine must be replaced.} }