@thesis{thesis, author={ANGGERAINI DESI RIZKIYAH}, title ={PENGARUH CAPITAL ADEQUACY RATIO, FINANCING TO DEPOSIT RATIO, DAN NON PERFORMING FINANCING TERHADAP PEMBIAYAAN MUDHARABAH PADA BANK UMUM SYARIAH TAHUN 2012-2016}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/105/}, abstract={This research tries to know the factors influencing Mudharabah financing at Sharia Commercial Bank of 2012-2016. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of each variable of Capital Adequacy Ratio (X1), Financing to Deposit Ratio (X2), and Non Performing Financing (X3) to Mudharabah financing (Y).The population and samples taken are the Annual Sharia Financial Statements period 2012-2016. Using purposive sampling technique is the sampling with certain considerations, by looking at the criteria that have been determined. The data collected were analyzed by descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 24 software program. The results of this study indicate that the variable of Capital Adequacy Ratio (X1), Financing to Deposit Ratio (X2), and Non Performing Financing (X3) influence simultaneously to Mudharabah financing with Fhitung 6,223 bigger than Ftabel equal to 3,07, and partially variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (X1), Financing to Deposit Ratio (X2), and Non Performing Financing (X3) also partially influence Mudharabah financing with significance less than 0.05. The dominant test result based on the value of Standardized Coefficients Beta (?) of each variable Capital Adequacy Ratio (X1) 0,060, Financing to Deposit Ratio (X2) 0,345, and Non Performing Financing (X3) 0,703. Then the variable of Non Performing Financing (X3) have dominant effect to Mudharabah financing at Sharia Commercial Bank} }