@thesis{thesis, author={ZAMRONI MOCH. RIZKY}, title ={PENGARUH GAJI, STRES KERJA DAN JENJANG KARIR TERHADAP KEPUASAN KERJA PADA YAYASAN SAYANGI TUNAS CILIK PARTNER OF SAVE THE CHILDREN DI SURABAYA}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1191/}, abstract={The purpose of this study was to determine whether the variable salary, job stress, and career path influence simultaneously and partially on job satisfaction employee at the Sayangi Tunas Cilik Partner of Save the Children Foundation at Surabaya. The population in this study were employees of the Sayangi Tunas Foundation There were 30 partners of Save The Childern in Surabaya, with samples as many as 30 respondents. To determine the effect of variable salary, work stress, and career path to employee job satisfaction used a linear regression test multiple. From the description and results of the study, conclusions can be drawn as following: from the results of the study it can be concluded that the variable salary (X 1), Stress Work (X 2), Career Path (X 3) together have an influence simultaneous and significant to the variable Job Satisfaction (Y). Proven from the results the calculated F value is 306,896 on the significant value of 0.05 and the F table is amounted to 2,975. Because F arithmetic is greater than F table (306,896 & 2,975) then H 0 is rejected. From the t test, it was found that the salary variable (X1), Job Stress (X2), Career Level (X3) had a partial and significant effect on employee performance variables (Y). Evidenced by the results of the t value on the variable salary (X 1), amounting to 3,547, work stress variable (X 2) of 2,100, Career Career variable (X 3) of 2,198. rom the results of multiple linear regression calculations, it is known that has a value The greatest regression coefficient is the coefficient of salary variable (X 1) with equal to 0.521 among other independent variables, so the salary variable (X 1) is the dominant factor influencing job satisfaction (Y).} }