@thesis{thesis, author={LESTARI TRI SURYA}, title ={ANALISIS PENERAPAN SISTEM INFORMASI PERPAJAKAN DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK PRIBADI DI KPP PRATAMA MULYOREJO SURABAYA}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1216/}, abstract={The aim of this research is to analyze the level of knowledge, understanding and level of use as well as the implications of the use of tax information on individual taxpayers (WPOP) at KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya. The research method used is the method of collecting data through interviews, the data analysis technique used is the qualitative data analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this study indicate that: 1) WPOP in KPP Pratama the level of use of tax information systems in Mulyorejo Surabaya is increasing year by year, 2) the use of tax information systems has implications in efforts to improve WPOP compliance at KPP Pratama Mulyorejo Surabaya, 3) in general it is not there can be significant differences related to the level of compliance when WPOPs carry out their taxation activities manually or online.} }