@thesis{thesis, author={ESFERANSA BELA}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM LOMBA KAMPUNG SURABAYA SMART CITY DALAM MENUNJANG PENATAAN LINGKUNGAN YANG BAIK DI KOTA SURABAYA (Studi di Dinas Kebersihan dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kota Surabaya)}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1256/}, abstract={The implementation of the Surabaya Smart City village competition program in supporting a good environmental arrangement in the city of Surabaya has been carried out by the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Service starting in 2019, the implementation has been going well so far where the program can improve the quality of people's lives, the settlement becomes beautiful and clean, and the residents become united. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with purposive sampling technique which was carried out at the Surabaya City Cleanliness and Green Open Space Service and at the residence of the participants' representatives, namely the Chair of RW 04 and RW 01, Mrs. Yuli and Mrs Sri. Data collection techniques used in the form of interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the implementation of the Surabaya Smart City village competition program on the implementation of the George Edward III model policy used in this study was viewed from several variables, namely 1. Communication has been carried out well by conveying information through mass media and assisted by a team of environmental facilitators and village facilitators, 2. The disposition of the executors who are honest, friendly and mutually supportive in working together so that the implementation of the program runs effectively as expected, and 3. The bureaucratic structure by determining the SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) so that the program is well coordinated. The inhibiting factor is human resources, namely participants who are less familiar with technology and obstacles from internet signals, efforts to overcome obstacles are to keep socializing and collaborating with other agencies} }