@thesis{thesis, author={HAWADAH SALSABILLA}, title ={EVALUASI SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN PUSKESMAS (SIMPUS) DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU LAYANAN KESEHATAN DI PUSKESMAS JEMURSARI}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1261/}, abstract={The Puskesmas Management Information System (SIMPUS) is a basic computer-based health service mechanism that ensures that all services to patients are computerized online. These problems consist of errors in inputting registration data, examination data, reference data, laboratory data, and slow data collection and patient data retrieval. The use of a puskesmas management information system for processing patient data is very useful because it can provide many advantages and conveniences for patient care such as increasing the speed of service, more accurate information, and faster data retrieval. Through this program, the performance of the puskesmas can be further improved, thereby improving the quality and quality of services. Researchers conducted a qualitative study using the HOT Fit method to evaluate the Health Center Management Information System. This study uses a qualitative method with direct interview techniques with the relevant informants. This study aims to analyze the evaluation of the Puskesmas Management Information System (SIMPUS) in improving the quality of health services at the Jemursari Health Center and analyze the inhibiting factors for SIMPUS at the Jemursari Health Center. The relationship between Human, Organization, and Technology found that SIMPUS is good, but in its application, there are obstacles in the availability of human resources that cause data not realtime, but these obstacles do not have a major effect on the services that have been carried out until there is a queue buildup} }