@thesis{thesis, author={Oktaviana Lisa}, title ={PENGARUH KOMITMEN ORAGANISASI, REWARD DAN PUNISHMENT TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA CV. SRITI BERDIKARI CARGO EXPRESS DI SIDOARJO}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/140/}, abstract={Human resources ia an important element that must be considered by the organization in carrying out its activities. Various ways done and developed by the organization, one of which is to improve employee performanc. The purpose of this research is to study about the influence of Organizational Commitment, Reward and Punishment on employee performance CV. Sriti Berdikari Cargo Express in Sidoarjo. The analysis technique used ia multiple linear regression, whereas the hypothesis test used were F test, t test, and dominant. The test results showed the Organizational Commitment (X1), Reward (X2), and Punishment (X3) have a simultaneous effect on employee performance with sig F 0,000 and less than 0,050 and has a partial effect on the performance of every employee, Organizational Commitment variable (X1) variabel with t sig 0,002, variable Reward (X2) 0,021, variable Punishment (X3) 0,012 and less than 0,050. While the dominant test results based on the Standardized Coefficients Beta (?) each-each Organizational Commitment (X1) 0,385, Reward (X2) 0,314, and Punishment (X3) 0,316. Then the Organizational Commitment (X1) the dominant influence on the performance of employees of CV. Sriti Berdikari Cargo Express in Sidoarjo.} }