@thesis{thesis, author={Sari A.N Astrid Nurindah}, title ={PENEGAKAN HUKUM TINDAK PIDANA TERHADAP PELANGGARAN KESUSILAAN YANG DILAKUKAN OLEH OKNUM MILITER (STUDI KASUS PUTUSAN NO. 34-K/PMT.III/BDG/AD/V/2020)}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1629/}, abstract={The Indonesian National Army (TNI) is the front guard of the nation and the unitary states of the Republic of Indonesia. In the eyes of the community, the TNI Is an example, Therefore, all actions taken by members of the TNI Must be in accordance with the rules by avoiding disgraceful acts that can be subject to articles in the military criminal code and the criminal code. The problems discussed in this study are the provisions governing criminal acts of violating decency committed by unscrupulous members of the Military Personnel and The Legal Consequences of criminal acts of violating decency commited by unscrupulous members of the Military Personnel.By Making Decision Number 34-K / PMT.III / BDG / AD / V / 2020 as a case to be studied, this study aims to find out about the provisions governing criminal acts of violating decency committed by unscrupulous members of the indonesian army and the legal consequences of criminal acts of violating decency carried out by unscrupulous members of the Military Personnel. This research is juridical normative and refers to library law research. Data collections is done through literature study by collecting legal materials related to the issues discussed. All legal materials are collected and grouped by sub-discussion. Then, the data was processed and analyzed using descriptive analysis method.The results of the study show that military crimes have almost the same meaning as criminal acts in general. What makes the difference is the legal subject. Perpetrators of decency violations who are members of the Military Personnel can be subject to articles in the military criminal code, the criminal code, and also the republic of indonesia law number 31 of 1997 concerning military courts. The conclusion of this study is that TNI members must understand the meaning and function of the TNI for society and the nation. All members of the TNI are required to comply with all military and national laws and regulations. Any criminal offense can result in imprisonment and dismissal from military service.} }