@thesis{thesis, author={Nuraini Selah}, title ={PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM HAK MEREK MENYANGKUT PELANGGARAN MEREK DENGAN ITIKAD TIDAK BAIK DI INDONESIA (STUDI Putusan MAHKAMAH AGUNG Nomor 511 K/Pdt.SusHKI/2019 Tahun 2019)}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1637/}, abstract={This study aims to find out how the enforcement of the legal protection of trademark rights to the first registrant (first to file), in relation to the dispute of the brand "Safety Jogger" with the brand "Jogger". The method used by the author is a normative research method using the statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Furthermore, there are two legal materials used in this study, namely primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. In this study, the authors used the Supreme Court's decision No. 511 K / Pdt.Sus-HKI / 2019 namely a dispute between Cortina NV as the owner of the brand "Safety Jogger" (Respondent Cassation / Plaintiff) against Haryanto as the owner of the brand "Joger" (Defendant). The results showed that the legal protection of trademark rights of first registrants as well as protection from bad faith in the form of protection of the exclusive rights of their trademarks in the decision of the Supreme Court No. 511 K / Pdt.Sus-HKI / 2019 with the elimination of the Joger brand as a party with bad intentions is the right decision. This is clearly stated in Law No. 15 of 2001 concerning Trademarks.} }