@thesis{thesis, author={Yusefan Bayu Andika}, title ={TINDAK PIDANA KEPEMILIKAN DAN PEMELIHARAAN SATWA YANG DILINDUNGI}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1640/}, abstract={Cooperation of PPNS BKSDA with other legal instruments to eradicate the crime of smuggling protected animals is trying to do the best they can. However, in reality there are still criminal acts of smuggling of protected animals that occur in Indonesian territory. What is the process of enforcing criminal law on cases of ownership and maintenance of protected animals according to what is regulated in Article 21 paragraph (2) of Law No. 5 of 1990. The writing of this thesis aims to find out as formulated in the formulation of the problem. This is a normative study which is a type of research that examines a statutory regulation or norm. This research suggests that the government pay more attention and care to protected animals so that they do not become extinct.} }