@thesis{thesis, author={HADIN FIDENTUS}, title ={DESAIN PERKERASAN LENTUR PADA JALAN BEALAING-MUKUN-BAZANG KM. 29+745-KM. 32+800 KABUPATEN MANGGARAI TIMUR PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR DENGAN METODE SNI 2013}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/1650/}, abstract={The problem of transportation that emerged in Kabupaten Manggarai Timur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur , especially in the area of Bealaing Mukun Bazang is a change in the function of roads where the change in function of this road caused the inbalance between road design and road function therefore need to be held a re-bending design in the area Bealaing Mukun Bazang as an action to restore the smooth passing in the area of Bealaing Mukun Bazang. Report of the final task is calculated include geometric design of roads, alignment vertical, alignment horizontal, bend and thick design of road pavement, as well as drainage design, data used in the design/planning is average daily traffic ?lalulintas harian rata-rat? (LHR), California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and geometry data, used for the thick design of road, The method used for the design of the bending of the Perkersan on Jalan Bealaing Mukun Bazang is a method of SNI 2013 namely: Manual design Perkerasan jalan no 02/M/BM/2013 (MDP) and the method used in geometry designing on road Belaing Mukun Mbazang is Tatacara Perencanaan Geometrik Jalan Antar Kota 1997 (TPGJAK). From the bending of the road flexure with: UR20, AC, CBR 90%, arterial road 5%/year, (R) = 33,06/year, CESA_4:6014749,59, (TM) = 1.85, CESA_5:11127286.7, (ACWC: 40mm), (ACBC ^ 5:135mm) (CTB: 150 mm), (LPAA ^ 2:150mm) on geometry design Bend, Design Alinyemen horisontalFC: (B = 8m), (E = 3.3%), (Ltotal = 79, 425m), (R = 350m). SS, (Ltotal = 225, 905m), (e = 15.5%), (Ls = 33, 3m), (Lc = 24, 790m), (R = 350m). SS: (L = 128, 74m), (e = 15.1%), (Ls = 64, 37m), (R = 90m). Vertical alinemen, convex curved, slope = 5,677% (ascending), = 4,822% (Child) = 901,089. Complete The speed of the Product = 2,989% (ascending slope), derivative = 2,448% (derived), elevation = 1066,713 in the channel design with the right square cross section (w:0, 60m. h:0, 17m. b:0, 35m) and the Left trapezoidal channel (w:0, 34m. h:0, 23m. b:0, 62m)} }