@thesis{thesis, author={Muhammad Azer Mafazi}, title ={TINJAUAN YURIDIS TANGGUNG JAWAB HUKUM DEBT COLLECTOR TERHADAP DEBITUR YANG MENGALAMI KREDIT MACET ATAS OBJEK JAMINAN FIDUSIA}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/2160/}, abstract={The use of debt collectors in consumer finance companies is not carried out by established procedures and violates existing norms and regulations. However, in practice, debt collectors are often unethical when towing vehicles belonging to delinquent debtors. Because their job is only to collect debts, not to frighten, torture, let alone do anything that takes the lives of others. Therefore, the public must comply with the contracts that have been made with a consumer finance company and debt collector so as not to act against the law in carrying out their duties.} }