@thesis{thesis, author={Yohansyah Reinaldi Arief}, title ={PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP PEMUTUSAN SEPIHAK KWH METER OLEH PT. PLN ( Studi Putusan Nomor 1240 K/Pdt.Sus-BPSK/2017}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/2174/}, abstract={The development of the electricity sector aims to advance public welfare and educate the nation's life for the purpose of national development. Now, electricity is a vital tool needed by the community, because most of life's activities depend on electricity. Electricity needs are not only used in household activities but also for industrial and financial activities. According to Indonesian Law Number 30 of the Year 2009 concerning Electricity, PT.PLN (Persero) as a State-Owned Enterprise is entrusted with the main task of carrying out electricity supply business that is equivalent to the general needs. Article 27 through Article 29 of Indonesian Law Number 30 of the Year 2009 concerning electricity defines PT PLN (Persero)'s rights and obligations as a provider of electricity and the consumers as users of electricity.The obligation of PT PLN (Persero) to provide electric power of good quality and provide good service to customers.} }