@thesis{thesis, author={FRESDA YOGIG ARY}, title ={SISTEM INFORMASI ABSENSI DAN PENGGAJIAN PEGAWAI RUMAH SAKIT USADA (STUDI KASUS RUMAH SAKIT USADA SIDOARJO)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/224/}, abstract={At present the development of technology in everyday life is growing. In the world of work, information technology is needed especially in the calculation of attendance and payroll which is still done manually. At USADA Hospital in calculating work hours and employee attendance still use manual methods so that the calculation of working hours and employee attendance requires a long time. Likewise in the calculation of employee salaries all this time also still uses the same method with the calculation of working hours and attendance. Then an attendance and payroll information system for USADA Hospital employees was made to facilitate and accelerate the calculation of absenteeism and payroll for USADA Hospital employees. After the attendance and payroll information system application was made, the USADA Hospital staff calculation process was easy even though there were still some shortcomings that might occur.} }