@thesis{thesis, author={YONTA SABAYA SABAYA}, title ={"STUDI ANALISIS KELEMAHAN PERUSAHAAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE LEAN SIX SIGMA”(STUDI KASUS PT RAYA INSURANCE)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/233/}, abstract={Application Transaction Sales Policy Insurance Based Website is an online sales application policy. Where customers can make transactions without having to meet face to face with the insurance company as a seller of insurance policies. Transactions conducted on the Website must provide convenience to the customer in accessing it. The method used in making this sales website using the programming language MySQL and PHP (Hypertext reprocessor). The results of the current study in the average sigma level of 3.781 with an average defect value of 11,625 DPMO means there are still many obstacles and problems generated. Issues that must be considered in the field of services, especially in the field of export and import insurance that is the delay of delivery, goods damaged, excess capacity, human error and wrong goods. It is necessary to monitor the prevention activities and continuous improvement based on the proposals given, so that the proposal can be implemented properly and correctly. So the purpose of the application of Six Sigma DMAIC method in order to minimize the waste product, to reach the disability 3.4 DPMO} }