@thesis{thesis, author={BAKTI SURYA ABDI}, title ={PERENCANAAN PEMASANGAN TRANSFORMATOR SISIPAN UNTUK MENOPANG BEBAN LEBIH DAN DROP TEGANGAN PADA GARDU DISTRIBUSI RA 252 PENYULANG BRINGKANG MENGANTI}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/245/}, abstract={Along with the development of economic and industrial advancements according to the the population growth in Indonesia, so the demand for electricity is also increased. Besides, the distribution of electrical energy by PLN should always work optimally to maintain the quality of electrical energy production. The growing of electricity consumers can lead one of the distribution substation component, the transformer, will overload so it could reduce the quality. It happened on RA 252 distribution substations which located in ?Bringkang?s feeder? that serve the housing load with attached load amounted 150,384 kVA, while the transformer capacity amounted 160 kVA. This condition has exceeded the capacity of that transformer with load percentages above 80% based on standard SPLN 50: 1997 where ?the optimal distribution transformer conditions are 60% until 80% from its capacity?, so these conditions required a solution to solve the problems that occurred, that is planned the installation of additional transformer to reduce the loads from RA 252 transformer substations. To plan the installation of additional transformer, it can be done with simulation which the application that can help to perform the simulation is ETAP 12.6 application. This application can be used to analyze the loading of transformer voltage drop and power losses line. The results from the simulations it will be used as consideration for moving customers loads to the additional transformer on the planning the installation of the additional transformer activity so that the planning will do to make that distribution transformers work optimally.} }