@thesis{thesis, author={Rizky Muhammad Nur}, title ={PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI, SOSIALISASI PERPAJAKAN, DAN PENGETAHUAN PERPAJAKAN TERHADAP KEPATUHAN WAJIB PAJAK}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/531/}, abstract={The taxpayer compliance in Indonesia to convey annual tax return is still low that only by 53.70% in 2012. This is one of the causes that tax revenues in Indonesia is still low. This study was conducted to test the effect of Utilization of Information Technology, socialization of taxes and Tax Knowledge on Tax compliance of individual taxpayer in The Pratama Surabaya Krembangan Tax Service Office. This reaserch analyzed the questionnaires of primary data from 100 respondends of taxpayer. The testing of these variable using multiple regression analysis with SPSS version 24, with significance level of alpha 5%. The results showed that the Utilization of Information Technology, socialization of taxes and tax knowledge has positive influence and significant effect on tax compliance partially. While simultaneously affect on tax compliance. These findings contribute to the General of Taxation (DGT) can add as an alternative method to improve the taxpayer compliance. It can be concluded that tax compliance is affected by the utilization of information technology, socialization of taxes and tax knowledge and other variables not examined in this study} }