@thesis{thesis, author={APRILIANI SELLA TRIASARI GALUH}, title ={OPTIMASI WAKTU DAN BIAYA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN FASILITAS PELABUHAN WAIKELO NTT DENGAN METODE CPM}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/623/}, abstract={Time and cost hold important role in determining of successfulness or even failure a certain project. This research study aims to prescribe optimum durationin constructing Waikelo?s port facilities which is located in Sumba, NTT this study is also expected to get the most economic cost. Method which is used to analyze this research study time and cost in constructing Waikelo?s port facilities is CPM. CPM ( Critical Path Method) is a method that demonstrating arrow diagram to determine critical trajectory, thus it is also known as critical trajectory method. This analysis is started with studying the data that is obtained from the contractor data that has been compiled is related to the report of cost and duration in project implementation, next step diagram of CPM network is made then it is followed by determining project duration and cost thus it will get optimum duration and minimum cost. After whole analysis did in some alternative acceleration of completions in constructing Waikelo?s port facilities it is concluded that there is a decreasing 7 days completion from 240 days becoming 233 days it surely caused the changing of total amount cost which is previously Rp 37.963.338.803,59 going down to Rp 37,855,494,567.41. It gets cost eficiency value 0,28%.} }