@thesis{thesis, author={PUTRA AHMAD RISKY DWI}, title ={PERENCANAAN ULANG SALURAN SEKUNDER KEDUNGULING KIRI DAERAH IRIGASI DELTA BRANTAS DESA JAMBANGAN KECAMATAN CANDI KABUPATEN SIDOARJO}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/625/}, abstract={One of the performance of irrigation networks can be seen from the consistency of the value of irrigation efficiency during the operation of irrigation projects, but the weak level of maintenance of networks and supporting irrigation buildings resulting in changes in the flow of flow. This condition has an impact on decreasing the performance of the irrigation network itself, so that the production area cannot produce maximum harvest. This problem has occurred in almost all irrigation projects in the Candi Sidoarjo. This study aims to look at the performance of the Kedunguling Kiri secondary irrigation network which is 4,5 kilometers long by assessing the value of current efficiency and comparing the value of efficiency needed. This research was carried out in the Kedunguling Kiri secondary channel section in the first planting season (May - August 2018). Which consists of discharge, water loss due to evapotranspiration, and the dimensions of the channel based on the results of measurements and analysis of discharge results of 0,83 m³/s while the required discharge for 318 hectares is 2,91 m³/s. These results indicate that the secondary channel is not optimal. This problem occurs because the dimensions of the channel are not right. This has resulted in poor crop yields. For this reason, it is necessary to redevelop the dimensions of the Kedunguling Kiri channel at a cost of Rp. 5.348.093.000,- to get the right performance in order to get maximum yields to get quality crops delivered in the future.} }