@thesis{thesis, author={ }, title ={PENGARUH TESTIMONI, SELEBGRAM DAN GAMBAR PRODUK FASHION TERHADAP IMPULSE BUYING KONSUMEN PADA MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/74/}, abstract={This study aims to know about the Influence of Testimony, Selebgram and Picture of Fashion Products Against Impulse Buying on Social Media Instagram. Sales of fashion products in social media instagram at this time become a trend in society, by looking at various ways to do promotions in instagram researchers choose Testimonials, Selebgrams and Pictures of products because it is perceived these three variables have problems on the promotion of fashion products in instagram. In this study, the respondents are Students of Bhayangkara University of Surabaya Faculty of Economics of Management, Accounting and Development Economics And Bussines Angkatan 2014 which has 200 insts social media instagram accounts and 133 students. The data used in this study is the primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires to all students. Analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using F test, t test and dominant test with 5% significant level. The test results proved that the variable Testimonial, Selebgram and Product Image simultaneously influence significant with the results of multiple linjier regression in the F test obtained Fcount of 57,000 greater than Ftabel of 2.678 while significant partial influence through Test t obtained titung for each free variable that is Testimony (X1) equal to 5,859, Seleb (X2) equal to 4,099 and Product Image (X3) equal to 5,651 bigger than ttable value equal to 1,972, hence independent variable that is Testimony, Selebgram and Product Image influence to dependent variable Impulse buying, Product Image variable has a dominant effect on Impulse Buying.} }