@thesis{thesis, author={Ningrum Yulia Hafizta}, title ={SINERGITAS TIGA (3) PILAR DALAM MENYELESAIKAN MASALAH PROGRAM SANITASI DI KECAMATAN BAURENO KABUPATEN BOJONEGORO}, year={2019}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/741/}, abstract={This research is to find out about the efforts of Synergy of Three (3) Pillars in managing health problems. The synergy of the Three (3) pillars is a joint operation of the Police, the TNI and the lowest Government. In the Police Agency that is synergized is Bhabinkamtibmas, while the TNI Agencies are Babinsa, and the lower Government Agencies are the kelurahan. Bhabinkamtibmas here synergizes through the Synergy of Three (3) Pillars to implement Community Policing. Synergy Three (3) Pillars are one of the community policing strategies that have been carried out in almost all parts of Indonesia, including Bojonegoro Regency. This research focuses more on the Synergy of Three (3) Pillars in Resolving Sanitation Problems in Baureno District, Bojonegoro Regency. Sanitation is an effort to prevent disease outbreaks and transmission through the provision of basic sanitation facilities (latrines), management of household wastewater (including the sewage piping network system), drainage and garbage. Bojonegoro is one of the locations because in 2016 Bojonegoro declared itself as a Regency that was ready to run a program to reach the SDGs through the Healthy and Smart Village Movement (GDSC). One of the programs that is run is Open Defecation Free. In the implementation of development, it is necessary to synergize three (3) pillars as actors of technical and non-technical implementation. The research objective is to describe and plan the implementation of three (3) pillars of integrity in solving sanitation problems. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method. In planning the synergy of these three pillars, this synergy will also bring positive results to the community in Baureno District, Bojonegoro Regency in terms of various aspects.} }