@thesis{thesis, author={AMALIYAH FATIMATUZ ZAHROTUL}, title ={PENGARUH ELASTISITAS HARGA, DIVERSIFIKASI PRODUK, DAN DESAIN TERHADAP PEMBELIAN SANDAL DAN SEPATU (Studi Kasus Di Kawasan Industri Tanggulangin Sidoarjo)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ubhara.ac.id/99/}, abstract={This study aims to know about the effect of Price Elasticity, Product Diversification, and Design on the Purchase of Slippers and Shoes (case study in Industry Tanggulangin Sidoarjo). Business competition is getting now make the company seeks to encourage potential consumers to purchase. Efforts made aregood price elasticity, diversified product diversification, and more varied designs. Samples are 60 respondents taken using Accidental Sampling method. 20.00 analyzed using SPSS for Windows version. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using F test, t test and dominant test with 5% significant level. The test results proved that the variable Price Elasticity, Product Diversification, and Design effect simultaneously significant with the results of multiple linear regression in the F test obtained Fcount amounted to 21.243 greater than Ftable of 2.77 while the significant partial influence through Test t obtained tcount for each independent variable that is Price Elasticity (X1) equal to 1.854, Product Diversification (X2) equal to 2.215, and Design (X3) equal to 4.320 bigger than ttable value equal to 1.672, while Design variable dominant effect to Purchase.} }