@thesis{thesis, author={RAMADHANI KHASANAH}, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN IBU TENTANG PENCEGAHAN DIARE PADA BALITA DENGAN ANGKA KEJADIAN DIARE DI PUSKESMAS PURWOKERTO SELATAN KABUPATEN BANYUMAS TAHUN 2013}, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.uhb.ac.id/id/eprint/2021/}, abstract={Age of the children is a tough period for the child's health condition is still unstable and prone to infectious diseases such as diarrhea. Diarrheal disease remains a global health problem, especially in developing countries. Each child had an attack of diarrhea episode on average 3.3 times per year. Approximately 80% of deaths occurred in children aged less than two years Type of observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. others who have children are diarrhea in South Purwokerto district health center with sample number 69 mothers were taken using the technique of "accidental sampling". Methods of data analysis using Chi Square test with analysis of RR (Relative Risk). Most of the mothers who have children are diarrhea have less knowledge as much as 55 (90.2%). Statistical test results obtained Asymp value. Sig. (2-sided) = 0.0001, meaning that there is a significant association between mother's level of knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea in infants with diarrhea incidence and value of RR (Relative Risk) is 6,354, meaning less knowledgeable mother has 6,354 times the risk of diarrhea compared knowledgeable good mother. There is a significant association between mother's level of knowledge about the prevention of diarrhea in infants with diarrhea incidence.} }