@thesis{thesis, author={SULIANTI DEVI}, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENINGKATAN BERAT BADAN DENGAN PENGGUNAAN KONTRASEPSI PIL KOMBINASI PADA AKSEPTOR PIL KOMBINASI DESA KRACAK KECAMATAN AJIBARANG TAHUN 2012}, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.uhb.ac.id/id/eprint/2026/}, abstract={Weight gain 5 to 10 pounds to the complaints of the women who use hormonal contraception pill. Increased weight causes the body to look unattractive and cause various diseases. This is caused by the hormone content contained in hormonal contraception. Survey in 15 districts Ajibarang among pill acceptors most villages there are in the village kracak and interviews in ten pill acceptors in the Village District Ajibarang Kracak mentioned to seven acceptor combination pill who complained of weight gain of 5 to 10 kg. To determine the relationship between the use of contraceptive pills combined with an increase in body weight in the Village Kracak Year 2012. To identify weight gain in women of childbearing age couples who use birth control pills combination in the Village Kracak Year 2012. This study is a retrospective survey analytic approach. Samples used in this study is a combination pill acceptors with purposive sampling technique. Samples in this study 44 respondents. From the results, the majority of use for >1 year were 28 respondents (64.6%), weight gain most of the respondents were >5 kg were 26 respondents (59.1%), no association of hormonal contraceptive use with combination pills With an increase in body weight with a Pvalue