@thesis{thesis, author={SUSANTI DWI}, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA KADAR HEMOGLOBIN DENGAN KEJADIAN PERDARAHAN POST PARTUM DI RSUD. Prof. Dr. MARGONO SOEKARDJO TAHUN 2012}, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.uhb.ac.id/id/eprint/2034/}, abstract={Mortality mother in Indonesia still is high, that is 228 / 100.000 birth of life. Cause death of mother is haemorrhage ( 28%), eklampsia ( 24%), infection (11%), complication a period of puerperium ( 8%), abortus ( 5%), old partus ( 5%), obstetri emboli ( 3%), others ( 11%). Haemorrahage of postpartum become highest cause of death of mother that is 28 %. Occurence of haemorrahage of postpartum in RSUD. Prof. Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto from year to year experience of improvement that is in the year 2010 happened 118 case, in the year 2011 happened 204 case and in the year 2012 happened 236 case. Intention of this research is to know the existence of haemoglobin rate influence to haemorrahage of postpartum in RSUD. Prof. Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto year 2012. Research method use analytic with approach of study retrospektif, using sekunder data from RSUD Prof. Dr. Margono Soekardjo Purwokerto year 2012. Bivariate analysis use Chi Square. Amount of sampel equal to 100 pervaginam postpartum mother. Result of research show there is relation between haemoglobin rate with occurence of haemorrahage of postpartum. with result of statistical test of ChiSquare is p-value 0,002 X2 tables of = 3,841.} }