@thesis{thesis, author={RATNASARI YATI}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGETAHUAN BIDAN TENTANG PELAYANAN TINGKAT LANJUTAN PADA IBU BERSALIN RISIKO TINGGI PESERTA PROGRAM JAMPERSAL DI RSUD DR. R. GOETENG TAROENADIBRATA PURBALINGGA TAHUN 2013}, year={2013}, url={http://eprints.uhb.ac.id/id/eprint/2089/}, abstract={The scope of service includes service delivery Jampersal first level and an advanced level of service delivery. Services delivery is an advanced level of service provided by specialist health professionals, consisting of obstetric and neonatal care to pregnant women, maternity, childbirth, and infants with high risk and complications. One of the advanced level of service delivery is a referral service high maternal risk. Based on the results of the survey obtained data on the number of participants Jampersal from June to December 2012 at the Hospital Dr. R. Goeteng Tarunadibrata Purbalingga as 214 patients in hospitals and as many as 150 patients Banjarnegara. This study aims to describe the level of knowledge about the services midwives continued high risk maternity program participants Jampersal in dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga Year 2013. This study is a quantitative descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Sampling technique in this study uses total sampling, samples of this study were all midwives in dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibra Purbalingga in 2013 by 28 midwives. Instrument used questionnaires and types of data are primary data. Most of the respondents had a good knowledge of as many as 15 respondents (53.6%). Respondents with good knowledge most have aged 20-30 years by 5 respondents (71.4%). Respondents with a good knowledge of most of the D4 midwifery educational levels as much as 3 respondents (100%). Respondents with a good knowledge of most of the information from health officials as many as 9 respondents (60%).} }