@thesis{thesis, author={CRISTIANA CRISTIANA}, title ={ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KELUARGA DENGAN TAHAP PERKEMBANGAN KELUARGA ANAK USIA PRA SEKOLAH}, year={2021}, url={http://eprints.ukh.ac.id/id/eprint/1814/}, abstract={Nursing Study Program Diploma Three University of Kusuma Husada Surakarta 2021 FAMILY NURSING WITH THE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT STAGE OF PRE-SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Cristiana¹, Nurul Devi Ardiani² ¹ Student of Nursing Study Program Diploma Three in University of Kusuma Husada Surakarta ² Lecturer of Nursing Study Program Diploma Three University of Kusuma Husada Surakarta Email : cristianacristiana999@gmail.com ABSTRACT Families with pre-school age children start from the first children (oldest children aged 2-5 years), the task of family development with pre-school age children, namely socializing children (getting to know the surrounding environment, friends and other relatives), children often play at home rather than going out, shy when meeting other people or new people. In the family of pre-school children to be able to understand the health problems experienced by family members by facilitating children to play some traditional games so that motor development in children can develop. The purpose of this case study is to find out how the description of family nursing with family development stage of pre-school children. The management of this case study was carried out in Gondangrejo Health Center area. The data collection of this case study was carried out on February 16 ? February 20, 2021 with 5 family visits. In the evaluation, the children had the desire to study independently to calculate and read using engklek game and ular tangga as the media, they seemed to be cooperative and no longer shy or afraid when meeting new people. After 5 visits, it can be obtained that 5 functions of family health care have been achieved, it is obtained that children want to be taught independently to count and read using engklek game as the media as well as ular tangga. Key words: Caring for Family Nursing, Families With Pre-School Child Development Stage} }