@thesis{thesis, author={Setyana Veronica Mita}, title ={Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Eritrosit Dengan Teknik Homogenisasi Sekunder 8 Kali Dan Tidak Dihomogenisasi Sekunder}, year={2020}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10000/}, abstract={Background : Erythrocyte examination is one of the routine blood and complete blood tests. The pre-analytical stage is prone to errors, especially during homogenization. Primary homogenization according to CLSI (2017) and BD Vacutainer (2019) is carried out with alternating techniques 8-10 times and 10-12 times according to PerMenKes No.43 (2013). The blood that is accommodated in the EDTA tube if silenced then there will be a deposition process namely rouleaux, sedimentation and compaction then the results obtained at the time of examination are incorrect. Secondary homogenization is carried out in order for the results to be correct. This study aims to find out the differences in the results of erythrocyte examination with secondary homogenization techniques 8 times and not homogenized secondary. Method : This research is pre-experimental with static group comparasion. The subjects in this study were 30 FIKes UKMC students who met the requirements. Venous blood accommodated on EDTA tubes is performed primary homogenization with alternating technique 8 times. The blood was then silenced for 30 minutes and an examination was carried out. Furthermore the blood is homogenized secondaryly with the technique back and forth 8 times and examined. The results of the erythrocyte examination were analyzed with the Wilcoxon test with a 95% confidence level. Results : The results of erythrocyte examination with secondary homogenization technique 8 times obtained an average of 4.72 x 106/?L, compared to the results of secondary unhomogenized erythrocyte examination obtained an average of 7.74 x 106/?L. Results obtained tested with statistics obtained results there is a meaningful difference with a probability value of 0,000 < 0.05. Conclusion : There is a difference in the results of erythrocyte examination with secondary homogenization technique 8 times and not homogenized secondary.} }