@thesis{thesis, author={. Yenni}, title ={ANALISIS PENGARUH INSIDER OWNERSHIP, INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY SET, EARNING PER SHARE DAN RISIKO PASAR TERHADAP KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10104/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Yenni. Analysis of the influence of Insider Ownership, Investment Opportunity Set, Earning Per Share And the market against the risk of a dividend Policy (under the guidance of Mrs. Delfi Panjaitan., S.E., M.Si., Ak., BKP., CA.) This research aims to know the influence of insider ownership, investment opportunity set, earning per share and market risk of Dividend policy. This study uses secondary data and the population in this study were manufacture companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) The sample of this research is the company that is in Kompas100. The sample of this research was extracted with method of purposive sampling with 102 sample companies that adjusted with determined criterias for 2011-2013. Data come from Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Annual Report. Analysis Method by using multiple regression analysis with ordinary least square uses t-statistic to examine partial regression coefficient and F-Statistic to examine simultaneous effect. this research also examine Normality, Multikolinearity, Heteroskedastisity, and Autocorrelation Tests. The results show that not found deviations of classical assumption test. It means that available data was conform with criterias of multiple regression analysis. According to analysis indicates that variabel IOS and EPS has a positive influence on Dividend policy. Variable Insider Ownership and market risk has a negative influence on Dividend policy. While simultaneously insider ownership, investment opportunity set, earning per share and market risk influence to Dividend policy. Keyword : Insider Ownership, Investment Opportunity Set, Earning Per Share, Market Risk, Dividend Policy} }