@thesis{thesis, author={. Meliyana}, title ={PENGARUH GENDER, MODAL INVESTASI MINIMAL DAN PENGETAHUAN KEUANGAN TERHADAP MINAT BERINVESTASI MAHASISW}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10266/}, abstract={ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of gender, minimum investment fund, and financial knowledge toward intention to invest in the Faculty Business and Accounting of Musi Charitas Catholic University. This study uses Theory Planned Behavior as the theory. The population is college students in the Faculty Business and Accounting of Musi Charitas Catholic University that still active in study college with 130 respondents. The data analysis is multiple regression analysis with dummy variables. The result showed that minimum investment fund have af ect to intention to invest, then gender and financial knowledge doest not af ect. Keywords: gender, minimum investment fund, financial knowledge, intention to invest} }