@thesis{thesis, author={Septyanti Grace}, title ={Hubungan Aktivitas Jalan Kaki dan Indeks Massa Tubuh dengan Tekanan Darah pada Lansia}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10766/}, abstract={Background : Blood pressure is the force exerted by the flow of blood against the walls of the arteries when blood is pumped out of the heart to all parts. As we get older blood pressure can become unstable but blood pressure can be controlled by maintaining body weight which is measured through measuring body mass index and doing physical activities such as walking. Objective : To identify the relationship between walking and body mass index with blood pressure in the elderly. Methods : Used a quantitative correlation design with a cross sectional approach with 39 respondents taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection tools using questionnaires and observation sheets. Analysis of research data using Kendall's tau test b. Result : The majority of respondents had the habit of walking irregularly 26 people (66.7%), the body mass index was normal. 17 people (43.6%), blood pressure grade 1 hypertension category 14 people (35.9%), there was a relationship between activity habits walking with blood pressure (p value 0.019) and there is a relationship between body mass index and blood pressure (p value 0.020). Conclusion : There is a relationship between walking activity habits and body mass index with blood pressure in the elderly. Suggestion : The elderly can increase their walking habits and maintain a body mass index within the normal range so that blood pressure remains stable. Keywords : Body mass index, walking exercise habits, blood pressure.} }