@thesis{thesis, author={Huwandy Katharina Fallensya}, title ={PERBAIKAN KUALITAS PADA PROSES PRODUKSI ROTI MENGGUNAKAN METODE SIX SIGMA UNTUK MENURUNKAN PRODUK CACAT (Studi Kasus: CV Musi Harum Palembang)}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10794/}, abstract={Improving the quality of the product production process is very important for a company. Every day CV Musi Harum can produce up to 25,000 - 30,000 loaves of bread due to the high demand for bread products so that the company must fulfill it in order to meet customer satisfaction. Although this company has been established since 2015, defective products still occur so that this problem has an impact on the profits obtained from the company. Based on existing data, reject products per day can reach 1,300 loaves of bread which makes the company lose profit, time, and energy because it has to handle these defective products. This research uses the six sigma method to help improve quality so that the production process can produce quality products. Defective product data before improvement reached 5.86% or a sigma value of 3.39. Improvement is done by analyzing DMAIC and followed by ishikawa diagram, p chart, and cause and effect diagram. After careful and detailed improvement, the percentage of defective bread decreased to 3.59% or 3.60 sigma.} }