@thesis{thesis, author={Angelia Virgi Noventi}, title ={PERAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KINERJA GURU DI SD XAVERIUS 09 PALEMBANG}, year={2023}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/10842/}, abstract={This study aims to describe the role of the school principal in improving teacher performance at SD Xaverius 09 Palembang. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection is done using triangulation methods with the research subject being the school principal. Data validity is ensured through triangulation by comparing data from interviews, observations, documentation, and questionnaire distribution. Based on the research results, the role of the school principal can be summarized into five points: the first point is the duties and functions of the school principal, the second point is the role of the school principal in taking responsibility and providing guidance to educators, the third point is the school principal's tasks in enhancing teacher performance, the fourth point is the school principal's ability to inspire teachers to diligently carry out their tasks, and the fifth point is the role and function of the school principal in fostering good cooperation among schools. These points are what the researcher discusses regarding the role of the school principal in improving teacher performance at SD Xaverius 09 Palembang. Keywords: School Principal Role, Performance, Duties} }