@thesis{thesis, author={Patricia Selvi}, title ={PENGARUH PERPUTARAN PIUTANG, PERPUTARAN PERSEDIAAN DAN PERPUTARAN AKTIVA TETAP TERHADAP RENTABILITAS EKONOMI}, year={2014}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/11259/}, abstract={This research aimed to analyze factors influence economic rentability, such as receivable turnover, inventory turnover and total assets turnover in the trading companies since 2010 till 2012, which listing in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The Sample set using in this purposive sampling method and obtained a total of 32 trading companies. The data analysis techniques used in this study performed with SPSS version 20 as for the analysis techniques used namely descriptive statistical tests, normality testing data and testing hypotheses using multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using t test and f test. The results of the analysis concluded that the hypothesis accounts receivable, inventory turnover and fixed asset turnover has no effect on economic profitability.} }