@thesis{thesis, author={Safitrianti Dewi}, title ={GAMBARAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN PERAWAT TENTANG FAMILY CENTERED CARE DI RUANG NICU DAN PICU}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/11932/}, abstract={Background: Hospitalization forces children to be separated from their parents and a safe and comfortable environment for them. The hospitalization process can disrupt the health and growth and development of children who are treated in the intensive care room (NICU and PICU). There are many impacts experienced by children and families during hospitalization, so efforts are needed to minimize stress due to the impact of hospitalization, provide support to children and prepare children to be treated in hospital. One effort that can be made is to implement Family Care Center (FCC) in nursing services so knowledge about FCC is needed. Objective: To find out the description of nurses' knowledge about family centered care in the NICU and PICU rooms at Siti Fatimah Az Zahra District Hospital, Prov. South Sumatra. Methods: This type of research is a type of quantitative research. Descriptive design with an analytical survey approach. Respondents in this study were nurses in the NICU and PICU rooms at Siti Fatimah Az Zahra District Hospital, Prov. South Sumatra, sampling was carried out using a total sampling technique with a total of 33 respondents. Results: Frequency Distribution The age of respondents is a mean of 30,79 years with standard deviation of 4,060. Frequency Distribution of Education: Most of the respondents had a recent education, namely D3 Nursing, 20 respondents (60.6%). Frequency distribution of work period, most respondents worked with a work period of > 3 years, as many as 28 respondents (84.8%). Knowledge Frequency Distribution Most of the respondents had a good level of knowledge about Family Centered Care, namely 31 respondents (93.9%). Suggestion: It is recommended for nurses and hospital institutions to implement Family Centered Care for every child being cared for, both children with trauma and children treated without trauma hospitalization.} }