@thesis{thesis, author={Rusmini Eka}, title ={Hubungan Pemberian Makan Pendamping Air Susu Ibu Dengan Kejadian Stunting}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.ukmc.ac.id/11946/}, abstract={Background : Lack of MP-ASI nutrition for children aged 6 - 24 months causes growth disorders and a high risk of suffering from stunting or malnutrition and obesity in the future. Objective : To find out the relationship between complementary feeding of breast milk and the incidence of stunting at Charitas Hospital Belitang Methods : The type of research used in this research is quantitative using analytical survey methods with a cross-sectional research design. The sample in this study consisted of 30 respondents using a total sampling technique. The data collection tool was obtained through a questionnaire using the univariate - bivariate analysis method and the Spearman test Result : The results of the distribution are an average age of 30 years with a standard deviation of 5,167 with Normal results, low level of education, elementary school, junior high school/equivalent 4 respondents (13.3%), secondary/high school education there are 19 respondents (63.3%), college high to S2 7 respondents (23.3%) Frequency of appropriate mpation 11 respondents (36.7%), which is not appropriate 19 respondents (63.3%), very short stunting frequency results 2 respondents (6.7%), Normal 27 respondents (90%), high number of babies 1 respondent (3.3%). Bivariate results: there is no relationship between complementary feeding with breast milk (MPASI) and the incidence of stunting, p=0.467( 0.5). Suggestion : Continue to provide MPASI according to the child's age, continue breastfeeding and carry out weighing and height measurements at the posyandu. Key Words : Babies, MPASI, Stunting} }